
I read Wordslut: a feminist guide to taking back the English language by Amanda Montell during Nonfiction November and am just now getting around to posting about it because my life is in chaos. But I didn’t want to skip it because it’s great and accessible and super insightful about the ways in which language and gender shape one another. She covers a vast array of ideas, from why there are more derogatory terms for women than there are for men, to the origins and effects of vocal fry and uptalk, to modern day navigation of gendered languages. I loved it from the moment Montell quoted my fave Ta-Nehesi Coates interview where he examines the idea that words don’t have meaning without context. In some ways the information in this book felt familiar because it reflects my lived experience, but it also allowed me to reflect on the science behind those experiences and the ways in which gender and language more broadly effect the world in which we live. I highly recommend this (especially on audio, narrated by the author) and can’t wait to pick up Montell’s latest, Cultish, as soon as my library hold comes in! ID: I’m holding a kindle displaying the ebook cover of Wordslut by Amanda Montell via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CaXNdxqriaS/


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