
🎶 look at this stuff, isn’t it neat? wouldn’t you say my collection’s complete? 🎶 This page is a @sarahmaclean stan account. Someone wise once said that books give us a place to go when we have to stay where we are — so many of these books brought me comfort, joy, and escapism during a really challenging year, and I’ll always love them for that. 💛 ID1: I’m sitting on the floor, partially behind by a huge stack of Sarah MacLean novels. I’m wearing a Sarah MacLean inspired hoodie that reads: Rakes & Rogues & Scoundrels & Bastards & Belles. ID2: A stack of Sarah MacLean books is piled next to a beige ottoman in front of white cube shelves of books. All of this is visible in a silver framed mirror. via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CoAL-5MrCw0/


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